"I am at a loss to conceive how a man should permit himself to write anything that would be truly disgraceful to a woman, or why a woman should be censured for writing anything that would be proper and becoming for a man."

30 December 2012

So here we are — the end of 2012. Whirlwind is a very applicable word for the last couple months, and yet now that there’s a few moments to breathe one looks back and tends to feel assaulted by all that has been left unaccomplished. Still, today is not the day for resolutions, nor for looking back in frustration. Today is Accomplishment Day.

So here’s to the things I did this year, including:
 - Finishing edits on book one, and submitting it to a major publisher — which includes doing our first summary, bios, and query letter
 - Spending November through now working on an individual project for the first NaNoWriMo in four years
 - Plotting out a schedule for blog posts and editing markers and actually (more or less) sticking to it
 - Creating an online presence for the series with email, tumblr, twitter, and blog
- Making progress on screenplay #2 to the point where it is neeeeearly first drafted
- Accomplishing a number of personal goals (though far from all) and thoroughly enjoying each one, not just seeing it as something I have to do.

 It may seem a short list, but it’s one chock full of months and months of hard work, email and chat conversations, and the constant necessity of balancing real life and writing life. All in all this has been a successful, progressive year for us and hopefully 2013 will push me on to bigger and better accomplishments.

Happy (Inaccurate Mayan Calculation) End of the World Year, everyone.

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